Laser Skin Tightening
York Laser and MedSpa offers laser skin tightening to Aurora, Newmarket, and York Region.
Bags under the eyes, marionette lines, jowls, and turkey neck are all examples of the sagging that comes to all of us eventually as we steadily lose collagen. But you don't have to simply accept it. Modern laser treatments can help you boost and maintain collagen to keep skin smooth and tight.
Laser skin tightening is probably the best way to boost collagen to help you tighten skin and reduce laxity and sagging.
Our Gentle Max Pro Nd:YAG laser is set to deliver low-intensity laser shots in rapid succession as the hand-piece is moved quickly back and forth over the skin. The laser energy penetrates into the deepest layers of the skin, heating it gradually with no discomfort. It feels like you're sitting close to a crackling fireplace. It's not uncommon for clients to drift off to sleep during treatments!
The heat tightens existing collagen and stimulates the production of new collagen which comes on gradually over three to six months.
Three to six sessions are recommended depending on the degree of skin laxity. Collagen is very durable. Once you have made it, it will last for years. None-the-less, maintenance sessions are required perhaps one to four times a year depending on age and degree of laxity.
There is no downtime. You will be red for 20 to 30 minutes. That's it!
You (everyone) should start collagen maintenace in your forties when you still have a strong ability to produce new collagen. This includes laser treatments and products at home. Talk to one of our staff about what you should be doing every day to maintain collagen!
To book a consultation call us at (905) 726-1126